Welcome to the Winlaton Camera Club news section.

Here we’ll be regularly posting updates about what’s going on at the club, along with photographs taken by members on our days out.

Latest News

New Season – Open Evening!

We start our new season on Tuesday 3rd September with our Open Evening! Do you have an interest in photography and are looking to join a club and meet like minded people? Come along to the TV Lounge, Winlaton West End Club and find out what we are about. There will...

And we come to the end of our 23-24 season….

Now that all of our club competitions, speakers and activity nights are done, we only had our AGM and Presentation Evening to come on our last two evenings in May!  We encouraged our members to come along with any ideas for new activities, suggestions for...

Best of the Best Print Competition Results

We allowed David a breather while we prepared for the next round, it was the turn of the prints. Again, it was a really tough competition but the places were chosen and Highly Commended's went to Les Hill, Lesley Hudspith, Paul Burdon and Jamie Welsh. Third place...

Best of the Best PDI Competition Results

Well it was the finale of our club competitions this week, with the results of the Best of the Best! This competition is all of the winners in our club competitions going head to head with each other and has two sections, PDIs and Prints. Each competition is judged...

Winlaton Trophy Print Competition Results

Following on from a very strong PDI Competition, Glen continued on with the prints in the Winlaton Trophy. He gave lots of good advice, commenting on framing, mounts and papers used as well as his CC on the images themselves, and the competition carried on in...

Winlaton Trophy PDI Competition Results

It was our Winlaton Trophy Results Evening this week, which comprises of both prints and PDI's. This is a competition for those members who haven't won a trophy in the past two seasons, for new members or for those who are not so confident about their...

Auction Night!

Tonight was our famed WCC Auction Night, where our members bring in all those items that are no longer of use, or unwanted, to be sold in aid of our club! We had two auctioneers this time, Peter and Paul... and by all accounts and purposes, they were very...

Activity Night

Tonight we were supposed to be heading out with our cameras, but the weather was not great! So instead, we had an activity night where we had a few setups for folk to try out some studio shots. I don't know whether many photos were taken, but the night was filled...

All things NCPF and PAGB – with Gerry Adcock

Our External Competition Secretary, Gerry Adcock came along on Tuesday and explained all about our governing bodies, the Northern Counties Photographic Federation and the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain. Something that all of our members need to know, and...